Rendezvous ERCP via endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage to salvage a dislodged lumen-apposing metal stent during choledochoduodenostomy A patient with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma underwent combined endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine nee-dle aspiration (EUS-FNA) and endoscopic biliary drainage. Tumor involvement of a


Background. Biliary access at ERCP rendezvous is usually achieved by withdrawing a wire passed antegrade via the accessory channel of the duodenoscope, which is then used for over-the-wire cannulation. The wire is time consuming to maneuver and may be damaged during withdrawal.

After one hour, ERCP was stopped in favour of a "rendezvous procedure". In the first stage, a radiologist used x-ray guidance to puncture the abdominal wall into the blocked and swollen bile duct. Download Ebook Rendezvous Wiring beyond their wildest imaginations. Wire & Radio Communications Udgivet i forbindelse med udstilling på Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 16.1.1998-24.1.1999 Current Hepatology Rendezvous on a Lost World The author's critically acclaimed memoirs of his wartime experiences are now joined by this final Rendezvous should only be attempted after unsuccessful ERCP by an experienced endoscopist with documented high cannulation rates and skill with advanced cannulation techniques. EUS-rendezvous is one of the most technically complex endoscopic procedures and should only be offered by physicians with extensive experience in interventional EUS including more standard techniques such as pseudocyst with conventional ERCP with an incidence ranging from 3-10% for PEP [5]. Comparing conventional ERCP with the Rendezvous technique indicates that the rendezvous technique reduces the risk of PEP [5]. The Transgastric rendezvous technique for ERCP clearance of CBD stones has not been described in the literature elsewhere.

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pokročilé dovednosti provádějícího experta v oblasti EUS a ERCP technik. eingeschätzt; ein eindeutiger Vorteil der HD-Technik ist bisher nicht bewiesen [3]. wie Gastroskopie, Koloskopie, ERCP etc. können weitere Differen- zierungen kann ein Rendezvous mittels PTC durchgeführt werden (siehe. Kapitel 4.1 ERCP bei voroperierten Patienten mit erschwertem Zugang zum Gallenweg und Endosonographisch gesteuertes internes Rendez-vous (EUS-ERCP).

In conclusion, we demonstrate that percutaneous transcystic cholangioscopy-assisted rendezvous ERCP across a mature cholecystostomy tract can allow for full-spectrum ERCP in cases in which options for internal biliary drainage are otherwise limited (Video 1, available online at

ercp with rendez-vous technique (billroyh ii gastrectomy) - caso clÍnico do hospital alemÃo oswaldo cruz apresentado na sbad 2012. Kanülierung durch Rendez-Vous-Technik bei ERCP Martha Kosthorst / Eines der Hauptrisiken nach Cholezystektomien durch ERCP ist, dass eine ERCP-bedingte Pankreatitis (PEP) auftreten kann.

dures included ERCP, and 39 patients (42 procedures) un-derwent EUS-RV after failed ERCP. The median age of the patients was 71 (range 29-84) years, and 26 procedures were performed in men. The indications for ERCP were malig-nant biliary obstruction in 24 patients and benign biliary dis-ease in 15 (Table 1). The reasons for EUS-RV were surgi-

Ercp rendezvous technik

Factors that contribute to a successful rendezvous procedure have been reported. 7,9 Among the various factors, a dilated PD seems to be essential for a successful EUS rendezvous procedure.

The acute angulation of Roux-en-Y (R-Y) limb precludes endoscopic access for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) even using a balloon enteroscopy. Here, we describe a case of successful single balloon enteroscopy (SBE)-assisted ERCP using a rendezvous technique in a patient with sharply angulated R-Y limb in a 79-year-old woman who had bile duct stones. Method. At Double-balloon enteroscopy–ERCP rendezvous technique Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancrea-tography (ERCP) in patients with surgical-ly altered upper gastrointestinal anatomy such as Roux-en-Y anastomosis is chal-lenging [1]. The use of double-balloon endoscopy (DBE) for ERCP in patients with surgically altered anatomy has been ercp with rendez-vous technique (billroyh ii gastrectomy) - caso clÍnico do hospital alemÃo oswaldo cruz apresentado na sbad 2012. 2013-05-01 · A Rendezvous procedure is when PTC is used to access the biliary tree in an anterograde fashion facilitating successful completion of a challenging ERCP.

Ercp rendezvous technik

Rendezvous technique for complete hypopharyngeal stenosis. Indications and variations of combined endoscopy.

BAKGRUND GallstensbildningGallstenens huvudbeståndsdelar är kolesterol, bilirubin och kalcium samt mindre mängder fettsyror, triglycerider, proteiner och polysackarider. Förutsättningen för bildning av kolesterolkristaller och konkrement i gallblåsan är en galla som är övermättad med kolesterol, s k lithogen galla, men man vet också att gallsten kan bildas trots normal sekretion av CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): The acute angulation of Roux-en-Y (R-Y) limb precludes endoscopic access for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) even using a balloon enteroscopy. Here, we describe a case of successful single balloon enteroscopy (SBE)-assisted ERCP using a rendezvous technique in a patient with sharply angulated R … Dr. Gomez uses the rendezvous technique for bile duct obstructions due to malignancy and occasionally for obstructions resulting from benign conditions.
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Marrache Mohamad K et al. EUS-guided rendezvous ERCP with steerable access device… Endoscopy 2020; 52: E355–E356 E355 This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly Laparoendoscopic rendezvous (LERV) endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC+ERCP/LERV) are considered an optimal approach for concomitant gallstones and common bile duct stones.